Gladman have proposed building 90 new homes in a field to the west of Mell Road, Tollesbury. Details are on the ‘Your Views‘ website, including their leaflet that they have now sent to all residents of Tollesbury. Please be sure to visit this website and leave your views on the proposal. Do it soon, as it is likely to be removed once Gladman submit their planning application at the end of July 2019.

You can also email your views to or even write to them at:
‘Your Views Tollesbury’,
Gladman House,
Alexandria Way,
Cheshire CW12 1LB

View of the proposed site for 90 houses from the public footpath; Mell Road to the right.

If you have not seen the Gladman leaflet you can download it here.

According the the ‘Your Views’ website “As part of Gladman’s commitment to engage with local communities, leaflets outlining the development principles and seeking comments have been distributed in May 2019 to approximately 860 households and businesses in Tollesbury.

Gladman also produced ‘consultation boards’ which contain more detail than the leaflet. Download it here.