Lewis & Scott Planning Application 21/00702/FUL, Land North Of 48, Woodrolfe Road, Tollesbury, Essex

**Revised cut-off date for planning application comments has now been extended until 1st April 2022**

Tollesbury Parish Council has recommended refusal of the above planning application, although planning application approval to build needs to be decided by Maldon District Council, and comments can still be sent to Maldon District Council.
Previously the cut-off date for comments on the Lewis & Scott planning application 21/00702 was 24th February 2022. However, additional new documents have been submitted by Lewis & Scott and others. Please would you review these documents and comment as necessary – comments can now be made until 1st April 2022.
Options for submitting comments:
  • By post to Planning Services, Maldon District Council, Princes Road, Maldon CM9 5DL
  • Online via the Maldon District Council Planning Website
  • Via email to planning@maldon.gov.uk
Remember to include the planning application number, the site address of the proposed development, your name and your address.
As a reminder, these are some of the grounds that you can use for objection, if you so wish.
Note that these are high level issues, and there are many more concerns and discrepancies lurking in the detail!
(Comments from other Tollesbury residents may be helpful and can be viewed on MDC’s planning website.)
  1. Concerns over climate change-related tidal flooding and risk of surface water flash floods.
  2. A prior residents’ survey which indicated the unsuitability of development in the eastern part of the village, and which also showed a greater demand for affordable housing for younger people.
  3. Unsuitability of the location for older residents, due to the distance from the main village amenities (shops, bus stop, doctor’s surgery).
  4. Unsuitability of the location for older residents due to the absence of pavements in places, the restrictive width of pavements in places, the volume and nature of HGV traffic on Woodrolfe Road, and the absence of a traffic survey.
  5. Tollesbury Parish Council have considered the proposal and recommended refusal – see comments.