Welbeck submitted their planning application on 29th November 2023. This application relates to the land to the north of West Street and comprises of 159 homes.
Maldon District Council has validated and registered it, their reference is 23/01160/OUTM, and we can now lodge any comments. There is lots of information to digest again. Please ensure you follow our guidelines as before, and all the details of the planning application can be found here.

We will be holding a public meeting early in the new year but in the meantime we will be providing template letters and advice to any of you that need it.

Members of the HART committee will be in around to help you in the coming weeks at the following venues:

  • The Book Nook, West St (opposite Palmers Garage), on Saturday 23rd December from 10am to 2pm
  • Tollesbury Village Square on Friday 29th December from 9am to noon
  • Tollesbury Village Square on Saturday 30th December from 9am to 2pm
  • The Book Nook, West St (opposite Palmers Garage), on Tuesday 2nd January from 1pm to 3pm

We will try and get more sessions around the village but most places are closed over the holiday period so keep an eye on our website and social media pages for up to date news.